Marble Challenge
Can you make it to the next level?



When a new player downloads the game and starts it up they are met with a login. And at this point they have not yet made an account anywhere. The way registering to play the game works is you pick a new login and password that does not exist. Obviously the game will tell you if the name you want is in use already. Once you have established your new name, the game starts and any time you come back, provided you remember your password, you can use the game as the user previously 'registered'.


The Leaderboard is a list of the top 10 players by how many coins in one try they have gotten.


The main currency in the game is, predictably, gold. It is used to purchase things like the last hi-score and skins. You can also give gold to other players (see /help for instructions).


Skins are items that you can buy with in-game currency (gold, of course!) and you can see the list of skins by doing /listskins. When you find one you want to preview, do '/previewskin ' for example if you wanted to preview the 'blue' skin you would do '/previewskin blue' and if you wanted to buy and use it, you would do '/buy skin blue' then '/skin blue'. Once you own a skin you can change to it any time with the /skin command!