Marble Challenge
Can you make it to the next level?



Forward W
Backward S
Left A
Right D
Jump Spacebar
Zoom In +
Zoom Out -
Console Tab


You get 4 jumps but you have to time them right. There is an indicator that will help you figure out when but the idea is to jump again at the top of your last jump and before you start falling.


Every time you pickup a coin, along with spawning the next platform, your speed and jump height increase along with the distance and height of the next platform. They also give you gold. Double whatever level you are.


When spawned, platforms are randomly placed at a set minimum / maximum distance and height. No, they never stop spawning as long as you keep making the jumps.


The main input is the Console and using commands. The first and most important one to know is '/help'. Use /help in-game to get a listing of the current commands.